At the door the motion sensor senses her even before she sees it herself
and the lights are switched on while the door unlocks
With a breath of air and drizzle
she enters the entrance hall
The coat is put up for drying on the coathook prepared in advance
In the kitchen the coffee machine is switched on
Soon to be followed by the toaster
while she walks through the lit hallway and enters the bathroom
where a towel is hanging ready
while the machine has chosen to set the floor temperature two degrees warmer than usually
Today as any other day she's alone
Alone in a house trying to fill a bottomless hole
A role the programmer hadn't foreseen
An impossible feat of strength
And she walks over to the terminal to read the letters not present
and as the kitchen robot enters the room with coffee and toast
a tear runs down her cheek
In despair her hands reaches for the keyboard
"Are there really nobody who loves me?"
And the text analyser is activated
Small rows of ones and zeros change place at the speed of light
And after an artificially planned break
the chip answers with machinelike precision
"I love you... from the bottom of my heart"